I started this blog in June 2007 asking these questions: Are we in a massive asset bubble that will blow up in our faces ??? - ANSWERED YES ! Is western and particularly British society on the verge of social collapse??? What are the best common sense long term investment strategies to keep you rich? When will consumption/debt bubble economics end and a real savings/production economy begin ???

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Buy-to-let: is it still worth the gamble?

Rising interest rates are squeezing returns for buy-to-let investors, and anyone considering entering the market now should think carefully about how they are going to make money.

Mortgage lenders traditionally required a "buffer" of rental income cover in excess of the mortgage interest repayments. This was 130 per cent between 1998 and 2004 but fell to 127 per cent in 2005 and 125 per cent in 2006, according to Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) figures.

This suggests that landlords are stretching themselves further in a bid to try to make money from their investment, and that lenders are becoming more lenient in the way they apply their criteria.

The two are a dangerous combination.

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