I started this blog in June 2007 asking these questions: Are we in a massive asset bubble that will blow up in our faces ??? - ANSWERED YES ! Is western and particularly British society on the verge of social collapse??? What are the best common sense long term investment strategies to keep you rich? When will consumption/debt bubble economics end and a real savings/production economy begin ???

Sunday, 28 December 2008

Gordon Brown is using the recession to test the character of the British people but the church thinks he is morally corrupt !

In next week's New Year message, the prime minister is expected to urge the public to "display the same spirit" as their predecessors did in World War II.

He will also describe US president-elect Barack Obama as a "catalyst" for tackling global issues.

And Mr Brown will demand that the public work together in an effort to build a "better tomorrow".


Five Anglican bishops have attacked the government by calling into question the morality of its policies.

The bishops of Durham, Winchester, Hulme, Manchester and Carlisle told the Sunday Telegraph the UK was beset by family breakdown, debt and poverty.

Bishop of Manchester the Rt Rev Nigel McCulloch said Labour was "beguiled by money" and "morally corrupt".


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