I started this blog in June 2007 asking these questions: Are we in a massive asset bubble that will blow up in our faces ??? - ANSWERED YES ! Is western and particularly British society on the verge of social collapse??? What are the best common sense long term investment strategies to keep you rich? When will consumption/debt bubble economics end and a real savings/production economy begin ???

Saturday 27 December 2008

BBC Panorama: The Year Britain's Bubble Burst

It has been a cataclysmic year for our banks and economy, and a year in which the role of the BBC's Business Editor has been in the spotlight as never before.

With exclusive interviews with the major players, Robert Peston reflects on how these momentous events will affect us all.


Spend a few minutes with the BBC's Business Editor Robert Peston, as he explains why we are in the middle of a global financial crisis.


Check out the rest of this blog here.
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